Registered Practical Nurse (RPN)
Category | RPN |
Class | General |
Registration Number | JG689682 |
Registration Status | Resigned |
Initial Registration with CNO | 08-Aug-2007 |
Registration history since 04 Jun, 2009
Registered Practical Nurse (RPN)
Category | Class | Status | From | To | Source |
RPN | General | Resigned | 29-Dec-2023 | ||
RPN | General | Current | 04-Mar-2008 | 29-Dec-2023 |
If you have any questions about the Practice Information section, contact CNO's Monitoring team at: [email protected]
Results of Past CNO Hearings What's this?
Discipline Committee
Finding Details:
The member was found to have committed professional misconduct in that the member:
- signed or issued, in the member’s professional capacity, a document that the member knew or ought to have known contained a false or misleading statement, contravened the standards of practice of the profession and engaged in disgraceful, dishonourable and unprofessional conduct on two occasions in April and September 2021, by signing the medication administration record indicating that the member administered medication to patients before the medications were administered; and
- contravened the standards of practice of the profession and engaged in disgraceful, dishonourable and unprofessional conduct by failing to administer medications on three occasions in April and September 2021; failing to properly administer oxygen as ordered and assess the patient prior to the end of the member’s shift in August 2021; and failing to administer humidified air to a patient in September 2021.
Outcome Date:
Outcome Details:
The Discipline Committee ordered that the member’s certificate of registration be suspended for 4 months; required the member to appear before the panel to be reprimanded; and imposed the following terms, conditions and limitations on the member’s certificate of registration:
- Must successfully complete specified remedial activities
- May not engage in independent nursing practice for a period of time
- Must inform employer(s) of results of discipline hearing
- Must inform CNO of all nursing employer(s) for a period of time
The content is based on information the nurse or nurse’s employer reports to CNO. The employment contact information may be nursing or non-nursing.
No current employment information on file. Please contact the College for further information.